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Free on site Estimate by Certified Arborist change

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  • Arborist Services

    • Arborist’s Report $500
      A report written by our Certified Arborist with technical knowledge of tree care practices gained through experience, training, and an International Society of Arboriculture Certification. Used for Official purposes.
    • Tree Inventory
      This is a report that counts, measures the DBH, identifies the species and calls out the health of the trees on the property. For this service our Certified Arborist would meet on site and give a price for the intended Tree Inventory. 
    • Tree Hazard Evaluation $275
      This service goes beyond our free estimate to get at the root of your tree issues. If you are having unexplained problems with your trees, problems with pests, or have a new property you would like evaluated in depth this is the service for you. Our arborist will give you an estimate but in addition he will give an analysis of the health for your trees, recommendations for steps you can take to improve the health of your trees, and a plan for maintaining the health of your trees over time.
  • Firewood for Sale

    Arborist mix, Truckload, Cured and Split delivered $250.00
    • Firewood For Sale $350
      Large trailer load of Arborist select mix of cured and split firewood local delivery $350.00       $400.00 for over 15 miles out
Arborist: No preference, Pete Botke PN0627, Danny Christy